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Why Coaching?

I have a strong passion for working with adolescent boys and men. In my life, having the support from other men allowed me to face the challenges of life without feelings isolated and alone.  

The transition from childhood to adulthood may be harder now than it has ever been.  Young men are missing out on strong cultural and social traditions that give them meaning, direction, and shape a strong sense of self. Adolescent boys and men are living in a time that can feel stressful, lonely, and lacking in meaning.

Men need support. They need a place to be able to be honest, vulnerable and feel listened to. The foundation of my coaching practice is to create a non-judgmental space to explore their feelings, thoughts and beliefs. Through this process of increasing self-awareness, men can better understand who they are, what their values are, and what they need in order to thrive.

Life coaching is a strengths and evidence-based practice that supports men in creating protective factors. We'll work together to:

  • Practice authenticity

  • Get clarity on what you want in life

  • Connect with your inner knowing and values, and learn to makedecisions that are in alignment with this deeper knowing

  • Get clarity on your goals. What are the things in life you're not getting that you want? What are the ways you want to be in the world that you're not being? What's getting in your way?

  •  Find the inner resources you need to reach your goals

  • Create action plans for these goals

Self-esteem is your capacity to recognize your worth and value, despite your human flaws and weaknesses. Your value as a person isn’t earned; it isn’t conditional; it can’t be added to or subtracted from. Your essential worth is neither greater nor lesser than that of any other human being. It can’t be. Self-esteem is about being, not doing. You have worth
simply because you’re alive

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